Servant Leadership: Advocate Certification Course: Self Directed Online Learning


The first level of certification in your Servant Leadership journey! Learn anywhere, anytime with our online, self-directed course.

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The first level of certification in your Servant Leadership journey! Learn anywhere, anytime with our online, self-directed course.

The first level of certification in your Servant Leadership journey! Learn anywhere, anytime with our online, self-directed course.

Advocate Certificate:

The Advocate Certificate learning path gives leaders a foundational understanding of the core concepts of servant leadership, as well as the Servant Leadership Academy model, built on the three circles of influence- Purpose, Principles and Practices. This level of awareness and understanding of servant leadership will provide leaders a more people-centered approach to leadership within their organization, with a foundational knowledge of the benefits of its implementation.

Advocate Certificate Learning Path

Servant Leadership Advocate Series- 10 Episodes

Episode 1- Advocate Series Introduction - An overview of Series outline and expectations

Episode 2- Servant Leadership 101 –        An overview of the origins and application of servant leadership

Episode 3 Who is a Servant Leader -      A look into what differentiates servant leaders from other leaders.

Episode 4- The Pillars of Servant Leadership – An exploration of the 11 core pillars of servant leadership used within the Servant Leadership Academy teachings

Episode 5- The Three Circles of Influence- How the Servant Leadership Academy has arranged and organized the 11 Pillars of servant leadership to create a modern servant leadership model for leaders to follow.

Episode 6- The Servant Leadership Manifesto – Together with the Three Circles of Influence, the Servant Leadership Manifesto sets out the values and beliefs that support the Servant Leadership Academy’s model of servant leadership.

Episode 7- Servant Leadership and Agile- We explore the connection between servant leadership philosophy and agile methodology, and how the two work hand-in-hand to transform organizational performance and value.

Episode 8- Intentionality - The secret sauce of servant leadership, intentionality helps demonstrate the shift in mindset that a leader puts in to action through deliberate and intentional action.

Episode 9 – Knowledge Assessment

Episode 10 – Session Wrap Up

Episode 11- Final Knowledge Assessment