Servant Leadership: Practitioner Certification Course: Self Directed Online Learning


Start your Servant Leadership certification journey! Learn anywhere, anytime with our online, self-directed course.

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Start your Servant Leadership certification journey! Learn anywhere, anytime with our online, self-directed course.

Start your Servant Leadership certification journey! Learn anywhere, anytime with our online, self-directed course.


Series I: Servant Leadership Foundations Refresher

An overview and refresher of essential servant leadership philosophy content as well as content critical to the understanding of the Servant Leadership Academy Framework. 

Episode 1: Introduction - An overview of Series outline and expectations

Episode 2: Servant Leadership 101 - Review of foundational understanding of servant leadership philosophy, origins of philosophy, core concepts and principles.

Episode 3: Servant Leadership Manifesto - An overview of the Servant Leadership Academy Manifesto, outlining the beliefs and values of the Servant Leadership Academy. 

Episode 4: Three Circles of Influence - A review of the organization and theming of the 11 servant leadership principles identified within traditional servant leadership philosophy into the Servant Leadership Academy Circles of Influence of Purpose, Principles and Practices

Series II: Purpose

The introduction of concept of Purpose, containing the two servant leadership pillars of Calling and Awareness, this series is designed to focus on the servant leader and their awareness of who they are, what they believe, and why they believe it. This is a series designed to push the individual leader to gain a solid understanding of their selves before they begin to explore the service of others. 

Personal Assessments Included in the Series:

  • Kolbe A Conative Assessment, measuring your instinctual behaviors and actions 

  • TalentSmart Emotional Intelligence assessment 

  • Imperative Personal Purpose assessment

Episode 1: Introduction to Purpose - Series overview, learning outcomes and expectations

Episode 2: The Purpose Gauge - An overview of the assessments included in the series, as well as the Servant Leadership Academy template, the Purpose Gauge, that allows learners the opportunity to chart and connect their self-awareness gained through the series. 

Episode 3: Improving Your Self-Awareness - An overview of the need for individual leaders to be in-tune with themselves from a cognitive, affective and conative perspective so that they are able to confidently identify and share their strengths as a servant leader in way that demonstrates their ability to follow servant principles and practices within their teams. 

Episode 4: Affective Awareness - A review of the need to better understand the emotional intelligence of individual leaders, and the evaluation of the 4 core aspects of emotional intelligence. 

Episode 5: Conative Awareness - An overview and review of the instinctual part of your brain, providing the learned a deeper understanding of how instincts ingrained within you drive action. 

Episode 6: Discover Your Calling - The review and understanding of the subconscious need for leaders to connect to a higher purpose and contribute to an objective that is bigger than self. 

Episode 7: Finding your Purpose - Putting the learnings of the series together using the Purpose Gauge and understanding the connection of the awareness that we have gained about ourselves to identify our purpose. 

Episode 8: Knowledge Assessment

Episode 9: Series Wrap Up

Series III: Principles 

The introduction of the core principles that are incumbent of every servant leader to follow – connecting the core pillars of Growth, Community and Stewardship. These pillars help a servant leader establish a set of values and beliefs that they must follow and instill within their teams to set the foundation for consistent and repeatable practice of servant leadership philosophy, and maintain a clear path and connection to purpose. 

Episode 1: Introduction to Purpose - Series overview, learning outcomes and expectations

Episode 2: The Servant Leader Mindset - An introduction to the shift in mindset necessary to begin the process of re-thinking our understanding of our role and responsibility as leaders within our organizations. 

Episode 3: Psychological Safety- Overview of the need of a Servant Leader to create a psychologically safe environment for their people to thrive, grow and develop into their best.

Episode 4: Servant Leaders role in Stewardship - Overview of a Servant Leader role and responsibility to challenge status quo and hold our people and our organization accountable to ethical practices.

Episode 5: Growth and Development - The Servant Leadership principle and accountability to create an opportunity for each of our people to grow as human beings and encourage their development beyond their specific roles within your team. 

Episode 6: The Importance of Community Episode covers the importance of thinking beyond corporate culture to building an environment of connect and service to others through the creation of community. 

Episode 7: Knowledge Assessment

Episode 8: Series Wrap Up

Series IV: Practice

The introduction of concept of Purpose, containing the two servant leadership pillars of Calling and Awareness, this series is designed to focus on the servant leader and their awareness of who they are, what they believe, and why they believe it. This is a series designed to push the individual leader to gain a solid understanding of their selves before they begin to explore the service of others. 

Episode 1: Introduction to Practice - Series overview, learning outcomes and expectations

Episode 2: The Power of Listening - Using listening to build connection with your people and demonstrate the importance of presence and support. 

Episode 3: Healing - Creating emotionally and psychologically safe environments for individuals to share themselves completely, and work to understand trauma-informed care concepts and practices.

Episode 4: Leading with Empathy - Establishing a deeper connection with staff by seeing things through their perspective, acknowledging their emotions and working to create a space for staff to work through issues. 

Episode 5: Conceptualization - Leveraging our ability to communicate with others that builds connection both mentally and emotionally to concepts. 

Episode 6: Persuasion - The ability to use indirect impact and influence to help guide individuals and teams towards better paths of decision making, as well as widen perspectives of our teams. 

Episode 7: Foresight - The use of a broader lens to anticipate and identify potential issues and concerns along the path or your team, and to build awareness and take action to remove obstacles where needed. 

Episode 8: Knowledge Assessment

Episode 9: Series Wrap Up